Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Williams Return to Kijabe

Habari Yako!

This picture posted above was added to my facebook page nearly 10 years ago with the caption: "Sunrise in the City that I want to live in one day..." That city is Kijabe, Kenya, and Scott and I are blessed to have the opportunity to return there in just a few short days! As many of you know, Scott and I met in Kenya while serving on a mission trip in 2005. During our month there we fell deeply in love with the people and culture of Kenya, gained a greater understanding of the Lord's future calling on both of our lives (both individually, and now...we realize, collectively), and the seeds of our passionate love story were sewn. Because of some unexpected circumstances during our initial trip, we made an unplanned visit to Kijabe in our time there. We were able to pray with patients and perform chapel services with families. As a young pre-medical student, I was particularly interested in the perspectives of the missionary doctors we met, and soaked in all of their stories about what God had done in Kenya while they were there. Kijabe is home to a large mission compound and a busy hospital that serves much of East Africa. It also is home to a missionary boarding school and Bible college....and it happens to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. What more perfect place for a former teacher/pastor husband and his doctor wife to end up? 

Scott and I are excited to be partnering with Samaritan's Purse as volunteers in Kijabe for a month. Greenville Health System has also played a large part in allowing me residency credit and supporting my efforts as Scott and I explore a place where we feel the Lord could potentially call us long term. I will be working with both the inpatient internal medicine and pediatrics teams, and Scott will have the chance to work some at Moffat Bible College and visit with some old friends, supporting their ongoing ministries and rekindling relationships that were forged in his year of Kenyan missionary service. We are excited to share with you stories of our journey as it unfolds. We will update you all here as often as we can, and we hope you will join with us in praying for those we encounter along the way. 

I distinctly remember standing on the edge of the mountain overlooking the valley when taking this picture so long ago saying to myself, "I'm coming back here one day." I could never have guessed that my dream would not only come true, but I would get to return with the man who kindled the flame for Africa in my heart originally. Please be in prayer for us as we prepare for what the Lord holds in store! If you would like more information about Kijabe, please see the video link below!

Teresa and Scott

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